Tuesday, 13 December 2016


I am inspired to write about the above topic not only by virtue of my work experience and relation with some people but also by the thoughtful words of great achievers and leaders like – John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Steve-Job, Bill Gate, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, JK Rowling and Larry Page.
Work is truly associated with seriousness and responsibility. Being what we do to survive, we should love doing it. If your job is to clean, develop your personal leadership on it. Your commitment on the job can make wonders and let you be a very happy person in life. Some of us can make the decision to like or not to like the work we do. My work experience revealed certain facts in reference to some people’s decision on their jobs. Some people quickly decide to quit their jobs for inconclusive reasons consequently limiting or burying the chance work offers to really discover their true potentials. To be successful in mastering the job one is doing (either personal or working for someone) will actually take time, lots of efforts and patients accompanied with ups and downs. Successful athletes, business men, workers, etc. have maintained long term focused efforts and practice on their specific jobs. Those who give up or take early exit on their jobs will blame certain situations or persons. Of course, situations or persons will always be there.
Some of us take our jobs for granted under the pretense of looking for better offer. Little do we realize that valuable justification for better offer will be required for us to be adequately remunerated. Innovating, doing your parts to make things better, taking some risk to elevate yourself and focus yourself on that leadership best; believe it- people will notice. When you are depressed with vicissitudes of life in your efforts to become a remarkable leader, do not give up. “The brave don’t run”. After all, you gradually learn to work by falling so do you lead by trying amidst all ups and downs. Just understand the fact that every misstep is an opportunity that will bring you closer to real step. So, believe in yourself when no one else believes in you by acting on good ideas that spring up in you and always take action to move forward. Nothing is more precious in work than staying consistent with your values, standing strong and protecting your good name. Untarnished name will make people run to you.
Late John F. Kennedy, former President of United State of America said “think of what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you”. This assertion will inspire an athlete for an example, to endeavor and win an Olympic Gold medal for his or her country. When it comes to moving nearer to growth and embracing real change, do not allow your fear to discourage you. My wife won a scholarship to study abroad (at Al-Azhar University in Egypt) but found it linguistically difficult enough to cope with. When I eventually joined her, she changed the University to start afresh in another (without scholarship) where she completed her studies and successfully graduated. When the opportunity came for her to apply for a vacancy at one of the embassies in Egypt, she was fortunate enough to be the only one chosen for the job. Remember nothing good comes easy but the uneasiness is still part of the game to elevate you to your leadership best. Fear of losing what belongs to you in a real situation that requires changes will always be there. Steve-Job was fired from the company he founded. J.K. Rowling, the famous author of Harry Potter series, was not only poor and jobless, her marriage also failed after a year; and she contemplated suicide. She used her power of choice to grow from living in poverty to a multi-millionaire in five years. Larry Page is the co-founder of Google. He is one of the brains behind everyone’s knowledge of web-searching. When he had such a dream, he followed it up and turned it to reality. These great achievers will continue to be inspiring examples. Hence, if you are inspired by whatever means, do not hesitate to inspire others because somebody may take a leaf out of your book and consequently become a remarkable leader.    


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