Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Definition of beauty may be viewed from different perspectives. Quite acceptable, if you view it as the way you feel about and treat yourself. It may be perceived by others as the combinations of the inner and outer parts of an individual - thoughts, actions, spirituality, individuality, confidence, etc. Becoming another person is not good enough but to become the best of yourself with absolute pride. Why do we take what we have for granted? Why can't the tall men derive joy in their physical structure and find clothes that fit? Why should the short ones desire that everything would be different if they could just have an inch growth? Whether you are tall or short, you ought to think of yourself as a designed and existing system. There is no need to hide the elements in your personal design that could eventually turn out to be your greatest assets. If you are created with larger nose and ears that stick out, you should be proud of them. No matter how your face looks like, your face is always your face. Once you take a knife to your face under the pretense of plastic surgery, your facial design will never be the same. After all we are not machine-made. Instead of trying to be just like someone else, we should try to be just who we are for our differences  make us special.